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[Python Error] [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1000) - How to fix this error When using the pip install command, you might often encounter the following error: This error is caused by SSL issues, and while there are several solutions, the quickest way to install a package temporarily is to use the following command:python -m pip install --upgrade pip --trusted-host pypi.python.org --trusted-host files.pythonhosted.org --trusted-host pypi.org By adding the --trusted-host .. 2024. 12. 12.
[Microsoft Office/Excel skill] How to Check for Data and Identify Duplicates within a Range When working with Excel, there are times when you need to check if specific data exists within a certain range.In such cases, you can set the range and use the COUNTIF function to determine if the data is present (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Method 1: Using the COUNTIF FunctionYou can check using the formula:=COUNTIF($C$3:$C$13,E3)>0 This checks if the target value appears in the specified range. If t.. 2024. 12. 12.
[Adobe Acrobat Reader Error] How to Fix the 'Application Initialization Error' Error: 'Application Initialization Error' I encountered a PC where Adobe software couldn't be installed. The error occurred because the online installation method was used. The solution is to install the software using the offline installer instead. URL : https://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions   Thanks for reading! 2024. 12. 12.
[Microsoft Office/Excel error] How to fix the 'Cannot start the source application for the object' error. "Fixing the 'Cannot start the source application for the object' error."I clicked on a PDF attached in Excel, and I got the error message "Cannot start the source application for the object," and it wouldn’t open. At first, I thought the file might be corrupted, but when I saw that no PDFs were opening, I realized it was an issue with Excel settings. There might be other solutions, but the main .. 2024. 12. 12.
[Geek jokes#0] Can you give me an update on the project? Can you give me an update on the project? "I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that we've managed to cut down on development costs.  The bad news is that the developer has bailed." 2024. 12. 12.
[엑셀] "개체의 원본 응용 프로그램을 시작할 수 없습니다"(pdf) 에러 해결, 어도비 "애플리케이션 초기화 오류" 해결 1. 엑셀 에러 "개체의 원본 응용 프로그램을 시작할 수 없습니다"(pdf) 엑셀에 첨부된 PDF 를 클릭햇더니, "개체의 원본 응용 프로그램을 시작할 수 없습니다."라는 에러 메시지가 나오고 실행이 안되더라. 파일이 깨진줄 알았는데, 모든 PDF가 안열리는 걸 보고엑셀 설정 오류라고 생각이 되었다. 다른 해결 방법도 있겠지만. 가장 큰 원인은어도비 PDF뷰어 프로그램이 설치되지 않아서 일어나는 문제이다. 구글에, Adobe Acrobat Reader 다운로드 검색하자. 그리고 설치하면 에러 해결   2. 어도비 리더 "애플리케이션 초기화 오류" 해결이어서, 위 방법으로 어도비 프로그램을 설치를 하려고 했는데 설치가 안되는 PC가 존재하더라.그럴 땐 오프라인 설치 프로그램으로 설치해주면 해결된다. - 온.. 2024. 12. 9.